Tuesday 28 July 2015


I've been a quiet on the blog front recently. It wasn't because of any particular reason, I just didn't really feel the inspiration to post anything despite finding a lot of inspiration from day to day life and taking many photos from events during the holidays. Not being blog-active also gave me the chance to put more pen to paper rather than always punching out letters on a keyboard. This leads me to the next thing, i.e I've decided to change a few things around here. I'm setting myself the challenge of posting weekly illustrations, like the ones above, rather than doing monthly favourites. This is because of two reasons: I've noticed that trying to keep up with monthly favourites induced the mentality that I needed to try new products each month (which will only create a dent in my savings in the long run) and it just off-balanced the content of the blog to being more.."materialistic" (for lack of a better word) rather than a space where I could share experiences- which had been my original intention. While I still keep track of trying new and 'favourite' things, I thought I could combine it with weekly illustrations instead.  

Second reason: I've always liked drawing but I never do it enough. It's a medium that is creativity in its purest form and I thought I needed more practice of it which is why I decided to set myself the challenge of weekly illustrations. (The word "weekly" is slightly daunting, but let's hope I can keep my word).

I thought I would kick-start it all with an illustration of last week where I attended several of my friend's graduations, listened to a few of Don Carson's talks, binge watched the 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' on Netflix, ventured around several food places, went putt-putting and topped the week off with a good workout at Urban Climb. It was a good last week of holiday before uni resumed today. 

This semester will be another hectic one; all the content and exams will be crammed into 9 weeks instead of spread over the 13 weeks because of the six week block placement that will come after the mid-semester break. Keeping with the goal of putting pen to paper, I have also reverted to writing notes in class which I hope will prove to be more efficient method of study for me this semester. It's crazy to think that after this semester, there is just one more year left!


  1. Go Huldah! Keen for more of your illustrative journal- you sketch it out so neatly and thoughtfully. I've done a number of the things on your page and they definitely make for a good experience worthy of recounting.
    And I'm doing placement and study this semester too! Not as hectic as yours because mine's simultaneous so 2-3 days work, 1 day study but the prospect of juggling work, study, family, friends and not losing God in the midst of it all is quite daunting but we just have to keep pursuing Him despite all the earthly busyness and distractions. :)

    And I'll leave this here for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ2HcRl4wSk

    1. Thank you! :) Sounds like a busy semester for you too! I had placement and study simultaneously last semester too and it was quite a handful amongst the other things as well, but like you said, just keep pursuing God and He will provide when things might seem a little too much to handle. You can do it too! ;)
