Monday 8 October 2012

Time is Precious. Waste it Wisely.

One of the two headbands that I bought from eBay finally came today! :) It has been almost a month and I had nearly forgotten about them; hopefully the other one comes soon. I'm just loving these cute head scarf/bands at the moment, hence why I have bought a few in the span of a month :)

Having a snooze in the afternoon.. That's his favourite corner of the couch.

More photos from my adventure to the antique shop :)

 I have a design charrette tomorrow- which is a period of time in which we must come up with a concept design. So tomorrow's tutorial class time (3 hours) will be spent sketching and designing a space for my character and then handing in what we have completed at the end as an assessment task. I have already come up with a concept design (not sure if that is considered cheating or not, but I'm just calling it 'being prepared' ;D) which means that tomorrow will not be spent sitting there with a mind blank and freaking out about what I should do. I generally have mind blanks under pressure and I can't think clearly when I'm working around others, which is good that I'm prepared I guess :) I hope I can get everything and some good quality stuff done tomorrow! After tomorrow will be one less thing to complete for assessment :) Holidays is just around the corner and I can't wait!

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