Tuesday 29 April 2014

April Favourites

1. Fruit smoothies. I have no idea where this craving and love for home-made smoothies suddenly came from (maybe it's a subconscious attempt to eat a bit cleaner and healthier?) but I have been blending a cup of smoothie nearly every day. Favourite mix at the moment: mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries), pineapple, banana and yoghurt.

2. Sam Smith's Nirvana EP. Again, I have no idea how I stumbled upon his EP but I have a good guess that it was from watching So You Think You Can Dance (another exciting favourite at the moment! Finals are next week!!) It's only four songs long but that's all it took to make me a fan. 

3. Spotify. I'm not sure sure why I'm so late to jump onto this bandwagon, but now it's the music player I have open all the time! I have been previously using Pandora Radio but the playlists they were making me weren't really on the mark and I didn't really like how I couldn't skip more songs after a certain amount. Spotify allows me to listen to songs and whole albums that I search up and put them on endless loop. It is a bit more sophisticated to use than Pandora but I can overlook that for it's benefits.

4. Totoro iPad case. This was previously on my wishlist, but my friends kindly gifted it to me for my birthday :) (I can also happily say that I can cross off most items off my wishlist! All thanks to my generous friends and family)

5. Short chain necklaces from Collette. All of these I bought when there was a 50-75% off at the store so they turned out to be a couple of dollars each!

6. My uni friend started up her own tumblr no more than 2 months ago where she shares photos from her travels and adventures. It's not updated often but when it is, I am always amazed because her photo shots are just so brilliant! She's got such a great eye for capturing moments; and not to mention an immensely kind and joyful spirit, which always makes her a joy to be around.     

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